Howard Keith Encore Chair

Howard Keith Encore Chair
Fabulous vintage Howard Keith Encore chair fully stripped and reupholstered using sustainable materials. Now recovered in the gorgeous BlackPop Walladawn denver light weave and Bute’s sumptuous jacquard woven fabric designed by David Irwin who took his influence from the underlying geology on the Scottish Isle of Bute.
These two fabrics are brought together in homage to the late, great Vivienne Westwood who has been a huge influence throughout my life. The back of the chair reflects her famous corsets and the Blackpop design works so well to create that look, this is then combined with textured wool that she loved so much. Not only was she hugely influential in the world of fashion and the environment, her basic ethos fits exactly with my aim to encourage people to, “BUY LESS, CHOOSE WELL, MAKE IT LAST.”